Who are the C.U. then?

Probably the best society in the university, but I would say that!

Well to start off, we're a group of fun to be with christians giving christian support to anybody who
wants it. We have our regular meeting once a week on Thursday evening at North Road Christian Fellowship,
where we take the opportunity of worshipping, learning and getting to meet other christians an non-
christians alike within a christian environment and context.

If your a christian or not and thinking of coming to Preston to study, or if your already here come and
say "hello" anytime. We will try our best to make you feel welcome and apart of the fellowship.

If you want to discuss anything about the Christian Union, you can either e-mail us by clicking here
or contact one of the committee members using the e-mail addresses below.

In the first week in December, we've got a mission to show the rest of the University that being
a christian is a really cool thing. To show that christianity is not boring and also that christians as
a result of this are not boring people. We're fun to be with and we like to PARTY!!!

The Committee:

Jonathon (Coordinator) E-mail: Jonathon

Astrid (Co-coordinator) E-mail: Astrid

Fiona (Secretary) E-mail: Fiona

Rachel (Treasurer) E-mail: Rachel - no e-mail yet. Sorry

Andrew (Prayer Sec.) E-mail: Andrew - no e-mail yet. Sorry

Heather (Evangelistic Sec.) E-mail: Heather - no e-mail yet. Sorry

If I've left someone out, I'll correct this later.

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This page was updated last on Saturday, November 28th, 1998